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Time Warp Page 9

  “I am scanning for any radio signals, if Carl had an implant then there could be more, “replied nick. However, there was none, Jason started up his jeep and slowly drove off not wanting to look suspicious. Carl still had the implant in his pocket waiting for the right time to get rid of it. Jason stopped at some traffic lights he looked into his rear mirror; Sonard’s men were nowhere in sight. A small convertible pulled up along the side of Jason’s dark Coronado; Carl took out the small transmitter and tossed it on to the adjacent car’s back seat. Since the microchip used the bodies’ own electrical charge to remain operational, the microchip itself, without a host to power it, would only remain active for a short period... Jason laughs, knowing that Sonard’s men will now be sent on a wild goose chase, giving Carl and the rest of his team, the time they needed to make their way to the boat yard near the same pier, they used to dock their expedition cruiser.

  Jason drove on, occasionally eyeing his back mirror hoping Sonard’s men had taken the bait, and would be following their decoy, allowing them to head straight for the harbor. Nick got out first and began looking around all the boats, hoping to find something that could take them across the sea to the remote, island just of the main land. The home to Carl’s uncle who had discovered the spear head over fifteen years ago, Nearly in the same location that Carl as a young boy, had discovered the data storage device and had kept in his possession for years, not knowing of its capabilities or the contents that it held. Showing how man was nothing but an experiment, being created by some advance race, which had set out to educate us .trying their best to save our planet from a nuclear holocaust. Only to find out that they had created the worse, species ever to walk this earth, A destructive species that sought nothing but greed, and power killing off other harmless inhabitants in the process, Infecting, and contaminating the air, and water. Sonard’s people had created a vermin; a killer virus and it would take another virus more powerful than ourselves to destroy us, riding the earth of a plague, called Homo sapiens.


  the island

  Jacko, Carl’s uncle lived alone on a small island just off the main land, he used to be a diver and a treasure hunter. He had inspired Carl ever since he was a young boy, which had eventually led Carl to discover the small pendent device.

  Carl had contacted his uncle earlier on using a pay phone, not wanting Sonard’s men to know of their where a bouts. He knew Sonard’s scientist, would eventually repair the teleportation device giving them more mobility, also the upper hand, just one slight indication of his uncles location could lead to his death and the discovery of the spear head, Sonard had so long been searching for. Even though Carl, still did not know what it was, or how it worked, which in some way made him more eager to reach his uncles house, which was situated on a hillside in a remote part of the island.

  The hours slowly passed by as Carl and his team raced across the sea, in a twin-engine powerboat, which, they had stolen from the harbor. With Sonard’s men tracking and following a false signal, this gave Carl and his mates some relief.

  They sat easy in their boat as they flew across the waves, sometimes the boat would leave the water completely, and Jason would yell out enjoying the ride and the sound of the engines, as they leaped through the sea. The sunset cast an orange glow across the waves; they sparkled as if glitter had been cast across their path. Jan, held on to Carl as he held her tightly in his arms, Nick unfortunately bobbled up and down, forever telling Jason to slow down, but was he, hell no, this was the ride of his life and he wasn’t going to give it up for anybody.

  Jason pushed on until he could see the beacon on the end of the breakwater, flashing on and off. Jason adjusted his course heading for the calm waters inside the small bay. The engines sputtered, as they approached an empty berthing space. Nick was the first to get off and walked over to the main road to try and wave down a taxi, only the whole seaside town was deserted. Except for the odd cat, that patrolled the area hoping to notice someone’s left over’s. Jason secured their boat, tying it and also keeping an eye out, hoping that no one had reported it missing.

  Jack, Carl’s uncle was sitting in the living room smoking his pipe. Carl had explained to him over the phone that a secret society was after the spearhead However, Jack had waited for this day to arrive, since when he discovered the spearhead, which was hidden in an underwater cave, he knew almost instantly that it could not have been manmade. The materials used to build it were so unique and durable, not even a high-powered drill, or saw could cut through the hard, metal casing.

  Jack had often experimented with the device but came to no avail, he later on stored it in the sanctuary of his basement hoping that maybe someone, some day would be able to reveal the secrets that it held, and that day had finally arrived.

  Jack took along draw on his pipe, when he heard the doorbell ring; he knew it would be his nephew Carl, and Jack could not wait to see him and to find out what all of this was about.

  Nina, who was a small Philippine woman, opened the front door, being surprised to see so many people. She was just about to speak when Jack, pushed past her and stared at his nephew. It had been awhile since they had last met. Carl stood there nearly six feet tall, his face was now rugged looking, and unshaven, it almost reminded jack of himself when he was in his younger days. Carl stepped forward and gave his uncle a hug, and introduced everyone else. Jan felt shy, since she looked a bit scruffy, her hair feeling itchy and baked, from the dried sea salt.

  Jason and Nick however, just stood there, gorging at the gold figurines, old oil paintings that littered the walls. A grand stairway covered in shinning marble made the whole place seem like something out a movie, in some king or queens palace. Jason walk over to a magnificent table, were jack had prepared some food and light refreshments; the whole gang had not eaten properly for the past week and couldn’t wait to get started

  Jason being the biggest of the lot sat at the head of the table, indulging himself in whatever laid before him. They had all finished dinning when Jack pop the question to Carl,

  “So Carl what’s all this about the spear thing I found, I have had it for years so what’s the big deal now?” asked Jack

  Carl started to explain briefly, about what they had all been through during the past week, He told his uncle about the locket, their abduction and also that Sonard was not from this world. Carl expected his uncle to doubt his words, however, for some reason Jack was not at all surprised. Carl continued to talk about what nick and Jason had discovered, and that Sonard’s race had been infecting our planet for centuries, and that they might have created a new, but ultimate virus this world has never seen before.

  “Hold on Carl, what’s that about a new killer virus? “ Asked Jack

  “It’s like I told you, Sonard could be planning to start a pandemic of such a massive scale, it could bring the whole world to a halt“, replied Carl

  “You mean to tell me you lot have not read the papers, or seen the news lately? “ Said Jack They all sat there in silence fearing the worst. “No! “, Replied Carl.

  Jack paused for a while, realizing that Carl and his friends had been so busy trying to discover what Sonard was up to, that they had abandoned the real world, not having a clue as to what was happening around the globe, “a new killer virus was discovered over in Asia, Something to do with birds, “said Jack

  “That’s it! That’s the exact virus frank had told us about, “replied nick

  “Well that’s not all, the world health organization are expecting this to be the next world pandemic, millions could be infected and die, “said Jack

  Carl stared across the room, “then it’s too late it’s already started, “said Jason.

  “No it’s not too late! Sonard’s is still stuck on this planet, and without the spearhead, this is where he will remain, “replied Carl.

  “Well what good is that, if the virus has already begun to spread across Europe through migratory birds, “said Jack

��Yes and if this does lead to a third, world war just like frank thinks it will, then the only option Sonard would have is create a vaccine, so our only chance is to destroy the spear before Sonard gets his hands on it, “replied Carl. “ Hold on you lot, what the hell are you on about, the bird flu has been with us for years. So what’s the big deal!” said Jan who had so far not said a word.

  Jack laughs at the whole scenario, which was taking place in his dining room. It seemed that everyone was so confused, and tired that no one really knew what the hell they were on about, However, jack though experience knew that the main object that would prevent Sonard doing whatever he was trying to do, would have to revolve around the spearhead.

  Jack lay easy in his comfortable arm chair, while Carl and his team remained, staring around the large dining room table in silence, thinking what could be done, the virus frank was on about could had already started years ago. However, what if it took a few years before it acutely mutated, spreading far enough to have any real global impact on mankind. Although, the main question that was in every one’s mind was what exactly did this spear thing look like?

  Jack stood up first and asked everyone to follow him down towards the basement; the wooden staircase creaked under every one’s weight. Jack switch on all the lights revealing all the different artifacts, he had found during his younger days. He walked over towards a cupboard and took out the bulky spearhead, which was wrapped up in a dark cloth; every one stared at the object as Jack started to unfold it. He placed it on a table in the center of the room, where everyone gathered around to admire its strange, but magnificent form. It looked like a pitchfork, only without a handle, it also had three prongs aligned with each other, the center prong was longer then the outside prongs, it somehow resembled something from a gladiator movie, however, its edges were blunt and rounded. “There it is just as found it over fifteen years ago, “said Jack

  “Have you ever tried to see what it does? “ Asked Jason

  “Yea, the only thing it’s ever done is spike my hand, “replied Jack

  Carl remembered the locket had done the same thing to him and Jan., however, for some reason he did not know! It only worked when it took his blood. Carl held the object in his hand and rubbed his palm around the spear, the same thing happened again. A small needle ejected itself into his hand drawing Carl’s blood, the needle retrieved back into the spear. Secretly the object started to analyze Carl’s blood looking for a genetic strand that matched Sonard’s race. Carl placed the spear back onto the table, when suddenly a fait glow started to emerge; two dials started to spin around until finally they stopped. Everyone stood and watched, amassed at what was happening, as two small slots opened just underneath the outside prongs, from within them, two small metals tags emerged, then whole thing stopped.

  “So how come you’re the only one who can get these gadgets to work? “, Asked nick.

  “I don’t know! It must be something in my blood, “replied Carl.

  “Yea but if Jack is your uncle, he must share the same bloodline as you, “said Jason.

  “I am afraid that’s where you’re all wrong, “said Jack

  Everyone was silent and turned towards Jack. “What do you mean Jack, you are my uncle aren’t you? “ Asked Carl

  “Yes! But our blood line is different, “

  “What’s that suppose to mean?” asked Carl

  “Carl your father was sterile and your parents had agreed to seek artificial seam nation,” replied Jack

  Everyone in the room had a strange feeling that this could only mean one thing, if the electronic devices only worked with Carl’s blood, he must be a half breed just like Maya was. The thought shocked Carl, he had desperately wanted to defeat the alien species, and now he knew the truth that he shared the same bloodline as Sonard’s people. May be that is why Sonard did not have him killed, when he had the chance to. Carl took some time to absorb the realty of his proper biological father, it came as a shock but still it would not change a thing, Carl was determined to defeat Sonard even if it meant going against part of his own race.

  The whole group continued, admiring the magnificence that the spear from outer space held, however, nick approached the spear, trying to analyze what the two metal plates, that emerged from the spears base, could be. “What do make of them? “ Asked Jack

  “If I knew any better these tags look similar to terminals! “ Replied nick

  “What you mean like electric terminals? “ Said Jason

  “I guess so, but there is only one way to find out.”

  Nick search the basement until he came across a coil of wire, he attached a plug to one end and stripped the wire down to its bare, copper strands, and attached one wire to each terminal on the spear head. He switched the power on; the lights in the basement began to flicker, the top half of the spear started to rotate; only the base remained stationary as if to provide a stable platform. The outer prongs slowly turned around the center prong, they started to spin faster, and faster, suddenly the fuse blow and the whole thing span out of control, and came crashed down onto the floor.

  “Wow this thing looks more interesting than I thought, “said Nick

  Jack shone a torch and removed the plug from its socket, while Carl flipped the mains back on. Nick picked up the spear and turned it up side down the base was hollow as if something else was supposed to be attached to the underneath.

  Carl also looked and realized something similar to a pipe, could be attached to the hollow section underneath its base. He asked jack if he had any steel piping, which jack seemed to have plenty off, but it would not fit. They all concluded that if they could provide a stable, solid, base for the spear to spin around perfectly on its own axle, then they might be able to operate the device properly; well it was worth a try any way. “Well what about the power ‘” asked Jason

  “There is a generator round the back, although I don’t think it’s worked in years, “replied Jack.

  “Well let’s take a look, “said Jason, who had some knowledge about diesel engines, after all he was always capable of maintaining their boats, diesel engine in good condition, and often had the dirty task of repairing it once in awhile.

  Jan felt left out, while all the boys went about their tasks and she decides to go back up stairs. The house cleaner Nina came over to greet her, and knew exactly what at this moment would please Jan. She followed the small Filipino woman up the grand stairway, amazed at all the artifacts and paintings that hung on the walls in Jacks magnificent house. . Nina stood at a doorway waiting for Jan, and showed her into a large luxurious bathroom suit. The water was running, forming bubbles around the nearly full bath; Jan thanked the woman and could not wait to get in to the cool water that at this time of the year with the Mediterranean’s hot weather would be seen as a blessing to anyone.

  Carl set to work almost at once, Wearing protective goggles, he sliced through one of the steel pipes; he measured the inside diameter of the spearhead, and the thickness of the pipe. Carl franticly took a grinder to the pipe, to reduce its thickness allowing the spearhead to fit tightly over the pipe. While nick searched for any amount of wire he could find, he figured he would need quite a lot of wire in order to keep a safe distance away from the rotating prongs, when they tried to operate it again.

  Jason followed Jack outside to a shack, where Jack kept his generator; it was a fair distance away from the house, so the noise could not be heard from inside... Jason took one look at the massive, generator and almost instantly knew he had his work cut out for him, it would not be an easy task to get this monster of a turbine running again that’s for sure.

  Jason turned the key round in the ignition, and just as he thought, the battery was dead. However, that did not seem too much of a problem since Jack had a big pickup truck, and its battery would do the job nicely.

  “So when’s the last time you had this thing running?” asked Jason

  “Four, maybe five years ago,” replied Jack

�� Jason thought what the hell, and took off his shirt, the dime light inside the shed, reveled his bullet wound across his arm, Jack could also see it was not the only wound Jason had. Some old scars remained from Jason’s military days, and it looked like he had taken quite a few hits before. Jason started with the fuel pump stripping it down, dirt and a slimey’ish; substance had jammed nearly the whole thing. Jason found some solvent and began washing and stripping down all the injectors. While Jack went over to his truck to get the battery, and siphon some clean diesel out of the fuel tank

  Jason reassembled the pump, and hooked the battery up to the generator, after emptying the fuel tank; he began to fill it with the clean diesel from Jacks truck. The moment had arrived, Jason turned the key, and the pump started squirting fuel out onto the floor. “Yes!” said Jason with a sign of relieve, still he had a long way to go.

  Jason fixed all the injectors back into their places and began the tiresome task of bleeding out all the air from their fuel pipes, and finally tried to start the generator up again. He turned the key and kept his fingers crossed, the huge engine began to turn over only it would not start, Jason knew that at this rate the battery would soon be dead. Jason bridged the wires over and tried again, the engine turned over emitting white smoke; there was a rumbling sound as the generator sprang to life. Clouds of smoke filled the shed that managed to escape from the rusty exhaust, Jason hurriedly ran outside as the engine started running smoothly. Carl and nick had also finished and could be seen walking up the hill carrying the spear in their hands.