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Time Warp Page 7

  She had chosen to stay with the guys, so now she would just have to make do with anything she could on her own.

  Jason and Carl where busy arguing in the kitchen, Jason still needed information about Sonard, and began to press Carl for any details that he might have forgotten, knowing without every vital piece about Carl’s abduction, or even what Maya had told them, Defeating Sonard or trying to guess what might be on his mind, would be virtually impossible.

  The two off them continued arguing when Jan rudely butted in, “Can you two cut it out! This is getting us nowhere, “she said.

  “Then why don’t you enlighten us on the subject”, said Nick

  “Ok then, shut up, and listen.”

  She continued drying her hair and the same time told them what Maya had said, that the clues are all around us and how Sonard cast Maya’s father into the past.

  “What was her father’s name again?” asked nick. “Adameus,” replied Jan

  “You mean Nostradamus? “ He replied.

  “No just Adameus “, said Jan not wanting to be doubted.

  “Yea well Nostra in Italian means, (our own people. Or, of our own kind) which might be why he slightly changed his name?” replied nick.

  “And Nostradamus was a great prophet; he claimed he had visions of the future hundreds of years ahead of his time”

  “What if this is the same guy? And he did not predict the future, but lived though it knowing exactly what was going to happen”. Said Carl “How do you mean “, asked nick

  “If this is the same man Maya’s father that is, and he had traveled through time with Sonard seeing what effect their work had on our existence, they must have seen and lived throughout the course of our history. That is how Nostradamus knew what was going to happen “, answered Carl.

  “ I am afraid that’s impossible, Nostradamus was appointed top physician to king Charles IX, which means they would have had to know about his back ground or else it’s no way, “ replied nick.

  “Well what if Mayas father had some kind of influence on him, I mean Sonard did say they influence people to advance their knowledge”, said Jan.

  “You mean telepathy? “

  “Yes why not! May be that is how Nostradamus had these visions of the future? “Said Jan. “Well we could soon find that out, I mean all we have to do is look up his predictions on the net “, said Jason.

  “No, that’s the first place Sonard’s men would expect us to look, Sonard is most probably scanning the net to see who will accesses these files “, answered Nick

  “Then what can we do? “ Asked Jan

  “The old fashion way, we hit the libraries”, said Nick. ‘Well what are you guys waiting for lets go”, said Carl

  Jason stood up and pulled out his revolver checking the clip just to see if it was still fully loaded, before he started to make his way to the front door, eyeing the surrounding countryside just in case someone had followed them.

  He gave the ok signal and the rest of the guys and Jan who rushed to get dress made their way to the dark, Coronado jeep parked outside their motel room. All four of them agree to split up later on into two teams, this way they could cover more ground and not seen to be too conspicuous. Carl and Jan headed for the library while Nick and Jason took a detour, and approached the library from the opposite side and parked their jeep, keeping an eye fixed to the library’s main door. After knowing Sonard’s men had a habit of appearing out of no were, they thought it be better to play it safe and keep an eye out for each other, just in case someone did show up.

  It was quite inside the library and all one could sometimes hear was the occasional rustle of pages being turned, some people preferred to use computers to look for any information or text that they would be searching.

  However, for Carl searching the web was out of the question, he knew Sonard would have his men tapping in to various sectors, which could lead to his where about. Carl found a quite section in the library were there were not too many people. He began to search for any books that had some kind of information about Nostradamus that could help him in any way to try to find out what Sonard was up to, even though, it was a long shot but what else could he do.

  Maya had told them the truth is written all around us, well they were in the right place the library that is, but what exactly could that mean was any ones guess. Jan began flipping through page after page not really knowing what she was looking for, the book she had chosen to search through, was called ancient prophesies. It was a largish looking book, which held numerous amounts of quotations dating back hundreds of years; the book was proving to be very interesting. However, it could take weeks to try to go through the whole thing.

  Carl on the other hand took a more drastic approach and went straight for a book about Nostradamus himself. Carl leaned his head in the palm of his hand as he read page after page. Occasionally, he would scratch the back of his neck, it seemed some insect had taken a liking to the taste of his blood, which would appear after every time he scratched the small wound, that he thought he might have obtained after falling over in Jan’s apartment.

  Carl continued reading and was amazed to find out how much Nostradamus really knew about the future. He was born in the 15 Th century and predicted events hundreds of years ahead of his time. How could this be possible unless Janet was right, someone was feeding him information? Could it be that Mayas father somehow contacted Nostradamus, entering his brain when he was in a subconscious state maybe using telepathy? It is a known fact that the subconscious mind is capable of storing information even when a person is asleep. Carl himself, had sometimes used this method when studying for exams, he would play a recording of a subject while he was sleeping just loud enough for him to hear.

  Nostradamus had claimed that most of his visions of the future happened while he was in a subconscious state. “PSS Jan, “said Carl


  “Have you found anything yet?”

  “No! It would help if I had some idea as to what I am suppose to be looking for?” answered Jan

  “Well, listen to this, Nostradamus was born in 1503, he was a French physician and

  Astrologer whose predictions of the future have fascinated people for centuries,

  Nostradamus was also a doctor who treating victims of the plague which ravaged their Lands. Later on, he turned to astrology leading him to predict hundreds of accounts

  About the fate of France, He even foretold the great Fire of London in 1666, the rise of

  Napoleon, Hitler, and World War II, Wow this guy must be something of a Wizard, he even predicted the end of the world”, said Carl.

  “Yea, And when that was suppose to

  Happen?” asked Jan.

  “He didn’t mention a date, he just said at the beginning of the new millennium, (a war like no other, it will rage for over 6---7 years and it would be the last of its kind).”

  “Well that’s now isn’t it? 7 years would put us in 2020 that is the same year Sonard and his people arrived? “

  “Wow that’s strange! I thought Maya made a mistake when she said they arrived on our planet in 2020”, said Carl

  “ Maybe that’s why Sonard wants that spear thing, so he can get the hell out of here before the war starts”, Replied Jan.

  “Or else they came back in time to try and stop the war?”

  Jan glimpsed at Carl and continued reading. Carl was just about to start a new chapter his head was full of ideas of what could be Sonard’s true reason for coming back in time, when Carl felt his phone suddenly vibrated in his jacket pocket. “Hello Carl its Nick“.

  “What the hell don’t use my number“

  “It’s ok I won’t stay long, they need at least a minute to track our call, have you found out anything yet?” said Nick

  “No we are still looking, even though we don’t really know what we are suppose to be looking for “, replied Carl

  “Carl just looks up something on plagues, or Armageddon “, said Nick and cut

  Jan stared at Carl, wondering if Sonard’s people would suddenly appear or not. Carl flipped through the pages until he found what Nick wanted, it was all there in plain black and white stood a whole scenario of a great plague that was to infect the planet. It seemed that not only Nostradamus had predicted this, but several other profits had also predicted the same events in their own ways.

  “Listen to this Jan, (bloody skies, a great plague shall infect every living creature on earth, a war, a great famine will plague the land, a war like no other, as man searches in his quest). Well what you think, “asked Carl.

  “I don’t know! What does bloody skies mean?” asked Jan.

  “Come on, don’t you remember shake spear (To shed ones blood) meaning to kill someone?”

  “So bloody skies could mean death from the sky?” replied Jan.

  “Something like that, what have you found?” asked Carl

  “Eh not much, except this small passage, (a light shall pierce the heavens, and the savoir of mankind shall Descend upon the earth) “

  “Is that it!” asked Carl

  “Look you! I forgot where I saw it, I have been reading this blasted book for the past two hours so just lay off”, shouted Jan

  Everyone in the room had their heads turned towards Jan and Carl. The Liberian slowly started to approach them, “excuse me sir do you have a problem?”

  “No!” said Carl. “Then could you please remain as quite as possible, you are not the only one’s here!” said the Liberian, and turned around to go about his duties.

  Jan silently laughs at Carl; it appears the man in some way had scolded him reminding her of when they were at school. Carl always seemed to in trouble and had to remain in class after school hours; Jan would often wait by the school gates so they could walk home hand in hand together. Carl remained silent feeling rather embarrassed after his small ordeal with the Liberian.

  Nick and Jason were still on guard across the other side of the road. Jason as usual was smoking one of his fat cigars, choking the hell out of his partner. Nick decided to unwind the window a bit further hoping some fresh air would enter the fumigated jeep, when a dark colored BMW pulled up in front of the library. Nick nudged Jason,” well, what do you think?” said nick as they both eyed, the three smart looking men that now stood on the pavement, and had began to climb the stairs up to the library’s main door.

  “That’s them!” said Jason and reached inside his jacket for his gun, he pulled on the cock slide slipping a round into the firing chamber, and quickly put his gun back into its holster. He reach onto the back seat for his sports bag, and pulled out a grenade which had a trip wire attached to it,” what you going to do with that?” asked nick.

  “Just stay put and keep your eyes peeled”, said Jason.

  He slowly got out of the jeep and calmly walked across the road towards the black BMW. Jason noticed that it was parked on a rainwater grid, just by the side of the pavement. He glanced around, just to see if anyone was looking and dropped to his knees pretending to tie up his laces.

  Jason rammed the grenade underneath the back tire as hard as he could and slipped the trip wire around the wheel, attaching it to the steel railing that covered the water duct.

  He calmly stood back up brushing his trousers down, when A woman stood there staring at him, wondering what he was doing underneath the car. Jason walked up to her, took a coin out of his pocket, and showed it to the woman,”it’s my lucky day”, he said.

  The woman smiled at Jason, thinking he had found some money underneath the car and went about her business. Jason took out his phone and called Carl who was still inside the library. Carl was reading the book about Nostradamus wanting to find out as much as possible, when his phone rang again.

  “Carl its Jason, get the hell out of there now! “

  Carl grabbed Jan’s hand and pulled her along, just as three men walked into the library. One pulled out his gun that was concealed under his arm and started to wonder around the library looking for their assigned targets. Carl and Jan hid behind a bookshelf and tried to approach the main door from a different angle, hoping the two men might go the other way round. Carl took out his revolver, and slides a round into its chamber; only one of the men recognized the distinctive sound of the cock slide and fired first. Everyone hit the ground as a ray of bullets swept through the air; Jan clung on to Carl, as round after round began pumping out of his barrel. Jason burst through the door just in time, and shot one of the assailants straight through the head at point blank range. Jason leaned his barrel on to the other guy, only his gun jammed, the man turned and fired at Jason, he took a bullet across his arm however, this did not stop him. Jason lashed out fearlessly and landed a punch to the man’s chin, his opponent stumbled backwards in a daze. Jason quickly grabbed his arm-twisting it around, and dropped to the floor, the man’s arm snapped across the top of Jason’s shoulder. A horrific yell filled the library as his bone splintered under Jason’s weight. Carl and Jan ran outside, Jason followed keeping his eye out for the third assassin. Nick was waiting outside and could not wait to get the hell out of there, and drove off as soon as everyone was safely aboard.

  The third man franticly ran after them however, he did not get far as the primed the grenade exploded at once sending a huge fireball into the air, the car flipped upside down and came to rest on its side. In the distance, a police siren could be heard. Nick hit the gas pedal as hard as he could; the black jeep disappeared through the side streets, this time they were lucky.

  Carl and his shipmates, sort the safety of their motel room; glad they had all made it out of there alive. Jason’s arm had been bleeding quite badly, he had ripped his shirt off to bandage his arm, but still it needed attention. Carl having some experience in this field, dressed Jason’s wound, using a first aid kit; Nick kept inside their jeep. Jan made coffee for every one still feeling shocked after their ordeal, Nick preferred something a bit stiffer, and took out a bottle of scotch and poured himself a drink, Jan thought why not and poured some whisky into her coffee.

  Jason also helped himself and turn to nick and said, “Don’t you think it’s about time we paid you code cracking friend a visit?”

  “Why not, you ok to travel, I mean with your arm and all that,” replied nick.

  “What you mean this little scratch here? Gee that’s nothing.”

  Both of the guys downed their scotch and again made their way back outside, they did not bother to search the area before leaving, figuring that Sonard’s men had enough to deal with for one day.

  Nick drove, as Jason wondered where on earth they were heading; with all the turns and back street lanes, it was enough to confuse anybody. However, Nick knew exactly where he was heading; they were going to see his friend, code-named “frank”. Who worked as a siphoning agent with the U.S. secret service, his main job was to scan the airways, Internet, using key words in a variety of languages to try to intercept any terrorist activity… Franks apartment was in the back streets of town in some run down area. Nick had e mailed the contents of the disk to his personal computer, and knowing frank he would have already started to break down the coded signs, or any other language.

  Nick and Jason finally arrived in some deserted ally way, Jason looked around the shabby entrance of some run down building, bags of rubbish were littered all over the place. Nick rang the bell there was no answer, he knocked hard on the door, and this time even kicked it repeatedly. A hidden camera scanned the hallway, Jason heard the lock turn, the door opened it was frank his old school buddy. Although, they did not see much of each other; however, they often worked together on relaying information from one country to another. “Hi man how has it been? “ Asked frank

  Frank was a short, plump guy, the brainy type, Nick gave him a hand shake and walked into his apartment, Jason was amassed at all the different screens, wires, computers scanning every e mail, phone call that left the country. “Did you get my e mail, “asked Nick?

  “Sure did? Be
en working on it most of the night”, replied frank

  “Well what do think? “

  “What do I think? Where in hell did you find this disk’”, asked frank

  “Let’s just say it’s classified”, answers Nick. “Well what have you got for us? “

  Frank asked them both to follow him to his own computer system, and began to down load what he managed to siphon from the disk. “Take a look here Nick, you see all these people?”

  “ Yes go on “asked nick “ Well it seems their some kind of military people, spread over a long period of time however, that’s not what really interest me “ ,answered frank

  “Then what does? “, Asked Jason, who so far had not said a word.

  “This does “, said frank, as he forwarded the disk to the unscripted codes. “ What are they? “Asked nick

  “These were a bit tricky to uncover, most of the signs turned out to be not coded messages but formulas. “

  “You mean chemical formulas? “ Asked nick

  “No! Biological formula’s, bacteria’s, we started by accidentally discovering the first one which is this “, said frank as he flip passed each frame on his computer.

  “What is it suppose to be, some sort of a new life form?” asked Jason.

  “ No not at all, here you are looking at the cholera virus and the next frame contains the typhoid, typhus, Ebola, even bubonic plague or black death, Sars you name it’s here. “

  “You mean all of these strands are diseases? “ Asked Jason

  “Yep every killer virus this planet has ever faced”, replied frank

  “What would someone want with all of these viruses? “ Asked nick

  “Well that’s a good question, most of them have been nearly wiped out or lay dormant, except this one“.

  Frank turned the screen to the last formula on the diskette; just to show Nick and Jason what he was talking about

  “So what diseases is this supposes to be? “ Asked Jason not knowing where any of this was leading.