Time Warp Read online

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  “Yes you have a point! Nevertheless, if I were to have asked you, would you have accepted my invitation? “Replied the elderly man

  “Now please take a seat and let me explain“. Carl and Jan sat close to one another around the large oval table, in the center of the table was a triangular shaped glass, plate embedded within the structure. Carl, glances over towards the elderly man, somehow he looked very familiar. The gentlemen leaned over towards Carl and introduce himself, offering Carl his hand, “My name is Sonard I am please to meet you “

  Carl held out his hand when Sonard noticed the puncher wound on his palm, turning towards Jan he noticed she also bared the same mark. “It seems you have discovered the secrets of our data, storage device?” asked Sonard.

  “You mean that object belongs to you?” asked Carl.

  “Yes! It was as you might say stolen, from our facility some years ago “, replied Sonard.

  ” So this is what this is all about, if you had asked we would have gladly returned that stupid thing “, said Jan feeling rather pissed off. Sonard turned towards Jan, the clothes she was wearing were not she own, and he could tell that she felt very uncomfortable in them. Sonard realized from her fidgeting that she was scared, frightened after being sedated, dragged from her home. In some way it reminded her of the images she had seen when alien beings, were experimenting on sedating apes, Jan felt as if Sonard was doing exactly the same thing with them.

  “So you have also seen the tapes?” said Sonard.

  “Yes! It is a bit farfetched “, answered Jan. “Farfetched as it may seem it is the truth“.

  “So tell me if it is true, why all this nonsense about creating a new species, surely you can’t expect anyone to believe that you created man? “ Asked Carl

  Sonard was silent for a while; not wanting to reveal more than he had to, but on the other hand, he also realized he needed Carl’s help to track another device he and his people had been searching.

  Carl kept on staring at Sonard, his face looked very familiar, Jan realized the man in front of her was the same man they had seen on the projected images, she leaned over to Carl and whispered into his ear, “ Carl it’s him “, she said.

  “Who “asked Carl? “

  Sonard is the man on that tape we saw last night “, replied Jan.

  Carl stared at Sonard, Jan was right, but how could it be unless the tape was a fake after all. “The tape, It’s a fake isn’t it”, Said Carl.

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Because if these events really took place thousands of years ago, how come your face is in the recordings.”

  Sonard hesitated, “Have you ever heard of time travel? “

  “Yes! Nevertheless, that is just fiction! And to me, all of this nonsense is ridicules “, answered Carl.

  “Why not believe when you have no proof to confirm what you do not believe in”, said Sonard

  “Well that’s exactly what I mean! Where is your proof confirming what you’re claiming”, replied Carl

  “Then sit down and will give you the proof you need, but let me warn you whatever you see or hear! No one outside this facility will ever believe you. “

  “So why tell us then you have what you want “, said Carl.

  “But that’s just the point; it is not this we are after “, replied Sonard holding the pendent in his hands.

  “Then what do you want and what have you brought us here for? “

  “All in good time “

  The room went quite for while as Jan and Carl had no idea where all of this talk was leading to. They still had no idea where they were or who Sonard really was. Carl had a suspicion that may be they might be some sort of government, secret society or something; still it did not explain anything, As far as they knew they had done nothing wrong, Except somehow managed to operate the small pendent device, that Carl had found over sixteen years ago. Carl was still baffled and was trying to see reason to all of this when the door slid open again. A young woman walks in; carrying what looked like a notebook and a small, plastic case. Her clothes were very smart and elegant, something that a secretary would wear. Her pencil like skirt had a slit going down one side revealing the contour of her slim, tanned legs. The woman sat down at the head of the table next to Carl; he stared at her admiring her beauty. As she sat down her golden hair fell in front of her face; she quickly pulled it back and tied it into a ponytail. Carl could not take his eyes off her; Jan noticed Carl gorging at the woman and kicked him from underneath the table, Carl in return faced Jan and quickly came to his senses. The old man Sonard introduced the woman; “This is my assistant Maya. “

  Carl and Jan nodded their heads towards her, the woman said nothing and continued about her business .She opened the small box she kept at her side and removed a small disk and inserted it into a slot by the side of the table. A small panel emerged from a concealed compartment. Maya entered a series of digits and at the same time began to speak, “good morning I will be guiding you through a series of events that accrued over a certain period of time, if you have any questions please be free to ask. “

  Carl was just about to speak when Jan nudged him; he turned to face her and at the same time he noticed the glass plate in the center of the table began to glow. A pyramid shaped projector screen began to form in front of them; similar to the one that emerged from inside the locket they had seen the previous evening however, this was more sophisticated. Its pyramid shape meant everyone who sat at the table, had a good view at the images that were about to be screened. Carl and Jan stared at the pyramid as it became blackened, a small ball shape appeared similar to the one they had seen before, the image slowly started to enlarge, then Maya began her speech, “What you see before you is planet Earth how it looked when we arrived.”

  “Hold on, “said Carl.

  “Yes “, answered Maya

  “What do you mean when you arrived?”

  “That’s exactly what I mean, when we discovered your planet “, answered Maya

  Carl laughs, the thought of alien invaders was ridicules, and Carl was not ready to buy any of this bullshit. Jan nudged Carl again, “will you shut up and just play along”, said Jan.

  “You can’t expect me to believe this nonsense”, whispered Carl.

  “You don’t have to believe it, just remember who the captive here is”, Jan, said.

  Sonard smiled at Jan since he noticed she was the diplomatic type, far more then Carl was. “Shall I continue? “, Asked Maya

  Carl nodded to confirm his response.

  The images reappeared on the screen and Maya began to speak again, “As I was saying when we arrived on your planet things were not like they are today as you can see for your selves. “

  Carl looked at the screen, there before him stood a barren land, deserted, everything stood in ruins complete cities lay in ruble“, what has happened here?“ asked Carl.

  “This Carl is the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust, your planet had gone to war for the very last time destroying everything in the process, we only found small groups of survivors, with no food or uncontaminated water to drink, and they didn’t stand a chance of surviving. As you can see on the screen, the snowstorms that appear around the globe are the result of nuclear fallout, meaning the survivor’s days were numbered “, answered Maya

  “So what year was all of this supposed to have happened?” asked Carl

  “According to your calendar dates that would put it around 15 years from now, that’s the same year we arrived on your planet”, replied Maya.

  Carl stared over to Jan; somehow, the dates must be wrong because they were still in the beginning of the year 2004 AD Carl just played along as Jan had instructed him to, in fear of what might become of them. Sonard and his people might belong to some cult that took alien species, that are supposed to live outside are world seriously, and they might not take any aggravation or intimidation lightly.

  “Then how come it’s not like that now? “ Asked Carl, knowing all
of this nonsense was ridiculous. “That’s because to stop the destruction of your planet we embarked on a mission, to save mankind and his planet “, said Sonard

  “How could you do that if it this had already happened? “ Asked Carl

  “Yes! Only with our advanced technology, we had the capability of time warp “, answered Sonard“So we went back into the past to stop the confrontation from accruing, however, we had one small problem!”

  “What’ problem is that? “ Asked Carl not believing a word Sonard was saying.

  “The inhabitants of the planet where very hostile, and to try and disguise are selves to enable us to work amongst them would have been impossible “, answered Sonard.

  “The inhabitants, don’t you mean man? “ Said Carl

  “No Carl, I am afraid when we arrived, you your spices Homo sapient did not exist, your species never even evolved “, answered Sonard.

  Carl was puzzled, this seemed more weird then he thought but even more interesting than he had ever imagined, even though no one in their right mind would take any of this nonsense seriously. “Then who was the dominant species? “ Asked Jan

  “It was you distant cousins Homo erectus as you might call them, they had evolved to be the dominate species, their brains where larger than yours and they had the knowledge and capability of becoming an advanced race, but for one thing.”

  “What’s that?” asked Carl.

  “The barbaric, or animal side of them remained, they advanced there technology not to advance their selves, but to destroy one another “, answered Sonard.

  Maya continue to explain the whole process that took place, and how one of their brilliant scientists named Adameus, came up with a plan to return to the very beginning of time to solve the problems that had overcome planet earth. In addition, by delivering a new species combined with their own genes they hoped that a more conscious, intelligent species would be born.

  “Ok this all sounds good, only man has done nothing but wage wars, stock pile nuclear weapons and do his best to destroy the planet! “ answered Carl.

  “Yes! That is why hundreds of years ago we sort to educate man by sending one of our disciples to teach humanity to embrace one another and to love they neighbor, helping him to become a humble race like ours “,answered Sonard.

  “You’re starting to sound like some holy preacher “, said Carl.

  Sonard was silent; Carl stared at him realizing that Sonard was implying they sent our god to us? The whole scenario was confusing but at the same time, it made sense. For decades man had been puzzled by questions as whom we are, where we did come from, who were are real ancestors. Sonard however bizarre it all may seem had just answered most of these questions in just a matter of minutes. Carl needed time to reflect on what was being said, it was all proving too much for him to absorb all in one go.

  Maya broke the silence and continued with her explanations, “Yes Carl we did send someone to help man, however, man refused to acknowledge him. Mans greed for power and thirst for blood was more than we had bargained for, we tried to influence the direction which man took by planting our seeds amongst them, giving the world new technologies, “ Maya was interrupted.

  “What do you mean planted your seeds”, asked Carl.

  “Your species was so ignorant to develop on its own, occasionally we would fertilize a human woman so as to mix our high standard or I.Q. as to put it with your primitive ways, so as to push man beyond his capabilities “,answered Maya.

  “You mean you abducted and abused us “, asked Carl

  “Yes! Has it ever accord to you sometimes a genius is born? And how his off spring help to develop mankind pushing him technically forward, it if it was not for our doings man will still be living in caves!“

  “Ok so let’s get this straight, “said Carl

  “. You are implying that you came here to save our planet, you created Homo Sapient, helped us advance our self, you are also saying that you and your people actually carved our path throughout history, for what? Man is still on the brink of a third world war, so what was the point of all of this. And most of all where do we fit in, you have superiority so why kidnap us?” The room went quite again, Maya accidentally knocked her pen on the floor she excused herself and leaned underneath the table. Carl felt her cold hands around his ankles, he froze in his seat wondering what she was up to, and if anything, this was not the time or place to start this type of nonsense. Maya pulled on Carl’s socks and slipped a round object down into his shoe. Carl felt the strange object and looked over to Maya, “I am sorry, I lost my pen”, she said to Carl with a big smile. Carl wondered why was something not right here, everyone seemed too polite, and why was Maya passing on some type of information she did not want anyone else to know about? Sonard broke the silence once again, “You see Carl all we have done for you species failed, we tried to turn an ape into a supreme race but the animal side of man remained, our time here is over. Mankind is doomed and so is your planet eventually man will embark on some kind of self destructive course, and there is nothing we can do about it.”

  “Yes but where do we fit in? “ Ask Carl. “When you discovered the data, storage device, with it was another object, one that can help us go back to our own planet “, said Sonard.

  Carl remembered that his uncle had found a spear head thing that resembled the same material as the pendent, inside the underwater cave that Carl had discovered years ago while he was still in his teens, Was this what Sonard was referring to? Carl shook his head; “I am sorry Sonard but all I found was the pendent, surely with your technology of time travel and space warp you can use something else to get you back home? “

  “That is impossible! In the early 1950 our mother ship became disable, a male function had developed in her heat shields on reentering earth’s atmosphere. A main thruster exploded, the whole ship plummeted to earth, some of us escaped through the time warp that is what brought us here, and some of us were thrown back into the past lost forever. The whole ship struck the earth with such forces, that over 200 kilometers of forest were destroyed. A radioactive substance contaminated the area for years leaving us stranded here; our scout ships searched your planet for decades trying to find any survivors only it was all in vain. We learned through your old newspapers, that our people had been searching in the wrong period, that is why UFO sittings were so common during that the last century, and now they have become outdated. You see the spearhead is our only hope for us to return to our own planet “, said Sonard.

  Carl began to think about the crash some were in Siberia, a Hugh comet was supposed to have struck there, only recent discoveries concluded that some types of machined materials were suppose to have been discovered deep inside the craters core.

  In addition, if all of this were true, it could explain why in the last century UFO sittings seemed to have been so common, could it be that other spacecraft from Sonard race were desperately trying to search for the spearhead, Or for any other survivors. Sonard did say some of his people entered the time warp to escape death, may be they were really trying to search for Sonard to take him back home, it still seemed possible to Carl that the whole thing over in Siberia could acutely have been Sonard mother ship. Even though recently the British denied there was any significant proof, to back up any extra terrestrial spacecraft had ever landed in Briton. Then again, if any country did say visitors from outer space are for real, it could send the people into a mass panic. Still Carl was confused and things did not add up, some of the jigsaw was still missing. What really hid behind Sonard cool expressions, why did they come here in the first place? Carl had learned through hard times that no one does anything for nothing however humble they might be. Carl looked over to Jan she was just as puzzled as he was. Carl needed time to think, time to evaluate the situation; after all, Sonard did not produce any proof only facts based on his own consummations. Finally, Maya spoke giving Carl the break he needed.

  “Mr. Sonard sir, do you think it would be better to let
Carl and Jan rest before they give you an answer? I am sure they must be tired after their ordeal.”

  “We’ll certainly, take all the time you need, may be tomorrow they might see things at a different prospective “, answered Sonard.

  Jan and Carl stood up and followed Maya outside, the huge henchmen that guarded the door were no longer there, “Follow me if you please I will show you to your rooms “, said Maya.

  Carl and Jan followed her down a winding corridor; Carl had a strange feeling they were heading somewhere else. “Where are going? “ Asked Carl

  “Be quite and just follow me“.

  “Why are trying to help us? “ Asked Carl

  Maya stopped and pulled them both into an empty room. “I am trying to help you because everything is not what it seems “, said Maya“. How do you mean? “Asked Carl

  “The only reason they came here was to take control of your planet “, said Maya

  “But why? “

  “Because their planet was doomed, years ago they discover their sun was on the verge of becoming a white dwarf“

  “What does that mean “, asked Jan

  “It means their sun was dying, their planet was starting to freeze over, they had resulting to living under ground and the subzero temperature killed everything on their planet’s surface.

  They had no choice but to seek a new planet to colonize, that is when they found yours. Unfortunately, your planet contains minerals similar to theirs, and the temperatures and atmospheric pressures were the same as their planet over in a different galaxy. “

  “But still, what I don’t understand is why all of this nonsense about starting a new specie “, Asked Carl.

  “It’s not nonsense! Erectus was not prepared to share the planet with them, which is what started the nuclear war in the first place; earth had become a useless dead planet, a nuclear active waste ground. Their only hope was to form another species that looked and resembled them, that way they could mingle amongst you and go Undetected. “

  “Surely with their technology they could easily have defeated Erectus?” asked Carl.